Call for Late Breaking News
Following an established tradition, the ISCAS 2019 Organizing Committee invites proposals for contributions in the Late Breaking News (LBN) track as a venue for fast dissemination of novel and high profile results for which timeliness of disclosure with the community is critical.
The intent is to present technical works reflecting the most recent and highest impact research and application results. All topical areas spanning the technical breadth of Circuits and Systems are encouraged for submission, including cross-cutting topics and those that reach beyond disciplines traditionally represented at ISCAS.
Late Breaking News Proposals
Authors are invited to submit a one-page Abstract and up to two pages of additional key supporting material (e.g., measurements, comparison with other work) via the Late Breaking News (LBN) submission site.
The deadline for the submission of the abstract and of the additional material is Thursday February 28, 2019. A template is available in the submission page.
Note that abstracts of accepted proposals will be directly published in the ISCAS2019 proceedings but not appear in the IEEE Xplore.
Authors of accepted abstracts will:
- Present their results during lecture sessions at ISCAS 2019.
- Be invited to send their works to a special section of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – Part II (TCAS-II) devoted to ISCAS2019 Late Breaking News papers. The deadline for the submission of accepted LBN papers to TCAS-II is July 1, 2019.
Authors of accepted contributions who are attending ISCAS just to present their Late Breaking News work will be given the opportunity to register at early-bird rate till April 15, 2019.
Important Dates
- Abstract/Supplemental Material Submission:
- 28 Feb. , 2019
- Notification of Acceptance:
- 31 Mar. , 2019
- Deadline for Registration:
- 14 Apr. , 2019
ISCAS2019 Technical Program Committee
- Takao Onoye, TPC Chair
- Yoshifumi Nishio, TPC Co-Chair
- Tokunbo Ogunfunmi, TPC Co-Chair
- Gabriel Rincon-Mora, TPC Co-Chair
- Ittetsu Taniguchi, TPC Secretary